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Clarisse Gilbonio
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Dear Clarisse,

Hi me of tomorrow! How’s the weather up there? I’m guessing a little hot from all the climate change happening huh? Any flying cars, flying hoverboards, and new and smart robots yet? Anything new happen? Well, to tell you now since you probably won’t remember this, but I’m currently writing this on a warm 60 degree day with a odd tornado siren going off on the wrong day.

The average rate of temperature increase has been 0.15°-0.20° C per decade since 1975. And because of all this temperature increase, the predicted temperature in 2050 is going to most likely be 4° C (7.2° F) in the atmosphere by the end of the 21st century. I got my data from, (Here).

These hopes that I’m going to share now are really going to put me in doubt that they’re going to happen from all the climate change and stuff, but anyway, one, I hope that the glaciers and the North and South poles can come back to their normal state of being really cold so all the animals living there won’t go extinct. Two, I hope bees don’t die out because we REALLY need them, for flowers and stuff! Three, we won’t need to use greenhouse gases anymore because they keep harming our Earth by climate change, and instead, use solar power and wind power! And second to last, I hope there’s more recyclable food-items and less trash-food items so we can recycle and reuse more! Lastly, I hope we lower the usage of cars and factories because I don’t want more carbon dioxide, methane, etc. Hopefully this all does happen, and climate change can stop.


Clarisse Gilbonio

March 7th, 2017

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Emile and Eloise,

The beauty and majesty of the world of your childhood is as remarkable as the beauty and majesty of mine, but the fragility of your childhood world is so much greater.


The gift for next generation,

To save the big world, perhaps, we should change the mind from myself to my small family to my community.


Dear Future

My hope is for all who live in your time to still know the joy of swimming in the ocean, walking through the woods, and hiking in the mountains.


My dearest children Ameilia and Alivia, 

I want you to hear the whispers of the seasons changing. The rustling of leaves as they gracefully cascade down from their limbs in the fall, birds singing in spring, and frogs that serenade the summer night.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to turn old shirts into produce bags.


Dear Future,

We need to work to save our beautiful home.


Dear Amara and Uma,

Maybe you heard about bats? Bats, the carriers of this disease that spread among us like wild fire. I love bats. When I was your age today, sitting in the evening on the back terrace of your grandparent’s home in Ibiza, hundreds of bats would play, dance and sing among the trees.


Dear Grandchildren,

I hope we can pass on a better place to live so that my grandchildren and their future children can enjoy the beauty of nature that our wonderful God has given us.


Dear future generations,

I pledge to you now that I will work tirelessly and with all my willpower so you don’t have to live in a world where you have to worry about the next storm.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.


Dear Tripp,

I promise to do my part, supporting federal legislation to protect our earth while starting small with projects at home.


Dear Granddaughter Rosalia,

This is my heritage for you my beautiful cacheticos de melon.

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