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To the future Lilly,

I hope that people finally started understanding how serious the climate crisis is.  I am writing this message in the year 2019 and currently, we only have a few short years before we go into a complete crisis. That is, assuming you don’t consider our current situation already a crisis.  The human race is not only killing itself but other species and the actual earth itself. For many people, the worst thing they can imagine right now is not having the convenience of using a straw or driving five miles to work, and the thought of biking seems ridiculous. I am a problem myself, I enjoy my long hot showers, and sometimes still use single-use plastics. But I am trying, and not everyone can say the same about themselves.

I believe that once we stop being ridiculously greedy about what things we want and how much money we have, and realize that the only reason it matters so fucking much is that we have decided that it matters so fucking much.

I hope that things are on the way to be improved by the time youre reading this, and not on the way to being worse.  I also hope that you got to sail for a long time and continued to really like rock climbing. Do not get stuck in the endless cycle of work. Please go out and explore if possible.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Grown up Alton and Dot,

The most important thing in my life is you, which means that as your mom – I am doing my very best to make sure that when you read this letter, Earth is a cleaner and safer place for you and your children.


To My Children and My Future Grandchildren,

People are an amazing race and, if we have the will, I believe we have the ingenuity and resources to fix the harm we’ve done.


Dear Peyton and Lucas,

I want you to continue to enjoy bright, beautiful, blue skies, gigantic shady trees, chirping birds, scampering squirrels, sparkling creeks and all that this amazing world has to offer!


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to sign up for 100% renewable energy.


Dear People Of The Future,

It’s scary, this is the stuff you see in movies about the end of the world.


My dear Honeys,

I think every parent believes that their child’s future is worth protecting – because I know the power of this force in me and what I am willing to do.


Dear Abigail and Olivia,

What stories will you tell them about our generation? Will we be heroes or villains?


My Dear Paloma,

I’m going to commit to raising you with your eyes open. Being aware as much as we can, how to better our environment together.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise composting in my house and getting an EV for my first car.


Dear Ellis,

So, dear heart, I am doing everything I can as the situation worsens.


To my precious grandchildren, Emma, Maya, Maddie and Will,

With love and a great hope for the future, a future that will be healthy and sustainable for you, my precious grandchildren.

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