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To the Future Generations,

With the recent election of Trump and the immoral policy changes he intends to enact, I’m angry and ashamed to be represented by the current U.S. government. His complete denial of the existence of climate change and his lack of support for programs like the EPA has made me very stressed and discouraged about our country’s future environmental policies. In fact, this entire presidency has really negated my view of the future of this country. Currently, I am enrolled in an Intro to Sustainability class and have met so many young people like me who want to make a difference for the environment and help save the planet! It really has calmed my fears and pushed me to really do something to spread awareness about our climate issues. As of recent, I’ve been working with so many friends to start something wonderful to enact change and help spread sustainable practices to all people. That has given me hope. I know that the world is changing so rapidly in both the environment and societally, that sometimes it’s hard to keep up, but remember that change is slow and hard to enact.

I hope the world is still a beautiful place by the time you get to live in it, and I’m sorry if it is not because of our slow realization of ruin. I want you to know that people cared and are learning to change, and are desperately trying to preserve the earth. If something similar is happening in your time, fight for what you believe in and never stop. Always take a stand, like I said the world is moving so quickly that sometimes it’s hard to keep up, but slow down and make your mark. If you truly believe your cause is worth it, do it.  Take a stand, never back down.

Best,  2017

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Future Self,

I am scared of the things happening right now with our planet.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to take my bike everywhere. Taking Golden Gate Transit to SF tonight.


Dear Me,

Today, I promise to keep my spaces clean and my environment cleaner.


Dear Eleanor,

You are so small. So innocent. So beautiful. For you and for everyone else, I will try harder.


Dear Nieces and Nephews,

I tried.



Make the most of every day because remember yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.


To my precious grandchildren, Emma, Maya, Maddie and Will,

With love and a great hope for the future, a future that will be healthy and sustainable for you, my precious grandchildren.


Dear Kids,

I know it’s long past time to wake up. You deserve a future in which drought, famine, and war are not all your children ever know; the choices my generation makes now will determine your future.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I’ll replace our lights with LED lights.


To the wonderful children of our family – Elayna, Julianna, and James –

There is no issue more important to your future and your friends’ future than stemming climate change.


Queridas filhas Ana Luísa e Ana Carla,

Que vocês possam contar para seus filhos e netos que minha geração tomou consciência de sua responsabilidade e assumiu sua condição de natureza e a ela se reintegrou, com inteligência, interação respeitosa e solidariedade.


My Dear Grandchildren,

In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience

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