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John Riley
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To my grandkids,

This is pop pop jack. Year is 2017 and things are getting wild. The ocean is rising, dunes are eroding and the place we call home on cape cod could be drastically different one day. One thing I did to step up was to stop using plastic water bottle and use reusable bottles and glasses. Also, I tried to unplug all unused stuff around the house. This def made some people angry.

Best of luck,


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More Messages to the Future


Dear Nafia,

I also hope that your previous prayers have been answered. The way you wanted to create green jobs for your fellow city dwellers have been fulfilled already.


Querido amanhã,

Em fim, espero que você receba essa mensagem, e entenda o quão pequenos nos somos e como é importante preservar o planeta terra.


We will look back on our time here and ask, “What did I do?”

If we truly live our present moment, maybe you’ll have a future.


Dear future loved ones,

As I sit here and write to you, I’d like to share with you something more horrifying than a few boos – our current home, Earth.


Dear son,

Everyone should be grow at least 100 trees in his lifetime.


I promise to help people! Become more aware!


To my darling ones,

And it’s not that I don’t care. I care deeply. For you three, and the families I hope you will have one day; for the many beautiful places I have had the privilege to know, places which take my breath away, that fill my heart with a bursting joy and connectedness to something so much greater than I, places I know may be quite different when you are my age


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to go DEEP GREEN


Dear grandchild,

There is a place on this planet called the Amazon, and I don’t mean the online shopping site (is that still a thing in your time?).


Dear Victoria, sugar pie honey bunch, chiquita loquita,

How can I look at your bright eyes and light dance and tell you we are facing a war?


Dear Corey,

I promise to do all within my power to create a world that’s safe for you and your generation.


Querida Futuro Yo,

Quiero que puedas decirme que lo hemos logrado, y que el mundo hoy es un poquito mejor porque nosotras pusimos de nuestra parte.

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