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My dearest daughter,

Hi love, it’s your mama when I was about your age. I’m writing to you in the hopes that my hopes for your future have become a reality. You know I always say “Put your good thoughts into the universe and fate will take care of the rest” and that is what I am doing right now. Our world is on a terrible path right now and I hope that writing to you will add to my efforts to try and make this world a better place for you. Climate change is such a prominent issue in society right now and, believe it or not, some people are still denying it (I know, what weirdos would deny scientific facts? but it’s happening). Global temperatures and sea levels are rising, the polar ice caps are melting, and forests are being destroyed so much faster than I could have ever imagined. So many species that you and I will never get the chance to see are going extinct before anyone gets the chance to really study them. It’s infuriating and heartbreaking at the same time. But, my dear, we do not retreat when times get tough; in this family, we fight relentlessly for what is right. Right now, how my friends and I treat our world will determine how it will be for you. I promise I will do everything in my power to save the planet for you. Learning about conservation, climate change, and sustainability is one of the first steps I have taken. With this knowledge, the next steps are action. Recycling, using solar power and buying sustainable products are all practices I have taken up, but I know there is more to be done. I promise to make the best choices for your future, both major life decisions and day-to-day choices. You and your generation deserve the same, if not better, planet my generation has and I will not stop fighting until the decline of planet ceases.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to include the trees and animals in all my decisions.


Dear Future,

I hope that things have cooled down. I hope that people and governments have come together to save our earth. I hope that everyone is able to breath clean air, drink clean water and see the beauty in nature that I do. I promise to do my best to take part in repairing the damage we’ve done so that my hopes may come true.


Dear Future Today,

Here in California we’re starting to recognize our climate changing the natural world around us.


Dear Ellis,

So, dear heart, I am doing everything I can as the situation worsens.


Dear Tomorrow

I hope that environmental issues are a thing of the past.


Dear Kids,

I know it’s long past time to wake up. You deserve a future in which drought, famine, and war are not all your children ever know; the choices my generation makes now will determine your future.


Dear James,

More importantly, what are we doing to better our planet and everyone who lives in it?


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I’ll replace our lights with LED lights.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will encourage everyone to get OUT of their cars and onto public transit.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to stop using electricity too much.


Dear Future Afnan,

You should make a time machine and come back to past and solve all the problems.


Dear Future Me: Only open after March 4th, 2050

I don’t regret my past ventures, nor do I believe I will regret my future ventures, but I’ve learned that I’ve needed to manifest these experiences into actions of sustainable development and conservation and protection of our environment.

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