Dear future generations,
Please try to treat each other better. Always do things to make your race look good. It’s true that past generations were not considerate enough of the future generations, however you need to change that trend and always look out for the future generations.
People should remember to be more respectful; even small things like being more respectful to the neighborhood you live in: practice little things like smiling and saying hello to your neighbor when you’re going out to your car or picking up your dog’s poop or not throwing your cigarette butt on the sidewalk or picking up a little piece of plastic that somebody misplaced and put it in the garbage. Those little things show respect and they will build a sense of respect for yourself, for your neighbors, and from your neighbors.
Everybody has always taken so much from nature: past generations took all the trees, polluted all the water, fished all the fish, and hunted all the animals so that there’s almost nothing nice left. We really have to consider trying to rebuild mother nature for future generations, remembering that we won’t even see the results during our lifetimes — it could be something that we all work for so that sometime in the future, our great, great, great grandchildren can have a much nicer experience in nature. They will know that we worked hard to put that in place for them.
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