Dear tomorrow’s people,
If you haven’t waken up by now, you are probably living on artificial water, artificial air and artificial food, as it can’t exist in nature if you don’t care for it. But I do hope you are awaken and I hope we have all succeeded to save the beautiful harmony of our planet from human greedy creations.
I hope there are still birds flying over lagoons and there is still spring and summer and the warm smells of thousand of flowers. I hope you can see dolphins jumping just a few meters from the beach and the sunset is still turning the water into shades of the most pure gold.
I hope the view from the top of the mountain is still wonderful and the busy silence of magic woods is still there.
I hope you are still caring for the water and it still cleans and washes everything from the depth of the ground to the highest skies, falling and rising and jumping never tired and I hope it is still so clear you can see the sky in it and rainbows and fishes still run free shining like silver racing healthy and happy.
I hope you care for the air and I hope it still is refreshing and full of oxygen making all things light and possible.
I hope the earth still feeds you with its abondant magic fruits and I hope animals still move in its rhythm.
I hope you made it still free and loving. I hope there are no more plastics and fossil fuels and pollution.
I hope you understood the value of nature and changed your world to be always in balance with it.
I hope you understood you are nature and nature is you.