Dear Tomorrow,
Things are really bad. Climate change and the overall destruction of the Earth and it’s ecosystems worsens every day. Many refuse to believe that Climate Change or environmental issues are important, blinded by sheer ignorance, fear, or politicians and corporations doing whatever they can to make a buck.
We have elected Donald Trump into office who is an adamant climate change denier, dedicated to regressive coal and oil policies, and repealing regulations that protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and so many other aspects of the world we live in.
The fact that so many seemingly rational people want to make the survival of our planet and our people a right vs. left issue drives me insane. I hope we can overcome this roadblock before it’s too late. And while so many strides are being made in the fields of renewable energy and sustainability, I feel a huge cultural and systemic shift must be made before the Earth will be able to be saved.
I’m sorry that we did not preserve the world enough for you and I hope that my generation and the ones after make enough strides where you and the people you love can continue to live happily and create a more just and sustainable society.