More Messages to the Future
Dear Alanna and Valeria,
I promise you to keep trying, to keep educating, to keep pushing our elected officials to act and protect your health now and in the future.
Antes de realizar qualquer ação pense no meio ambiente para que suas atitudes sejam pautadas na sustentabilidade. Assim o seu pensar e agir localmente poderão resvalar na escala global.
To my sons,
I’m voting with climate change as a top priority. I’ve tried to teach you boys that we need to clean up after ourselves and take care of the earth. I promise to continue doing these actions and more, for your sake.
Dear Nova and Remi,
I wish for you both that another kind of life has been discovered, one of peace, moderation and concern for all life.
To my unborn children, hey it’s mummy Cris here!
I am witnessing climate change in a way that I do not like, and I do not know how can I stop it.
Dear Daughter,
I want you to be prepared for the world that the generations before you are creating for you. I love you Lucienne, and I will not give up. I will push you and teach you not to give up, either, even if others around you do.
Pick up your trash wherever you go!
Aos meus sobrinhos queridos, Ana Laura, Luis Carlos e Helloísa,
Talvez eu não esteja viva para ver alguma mudança, mas espero que vocês vejam e tenham um mundo melhor em 2050. Plantei um ipê rosa e outro amarelo, que eles estejam florindo até 2050.
To the future generations,
I hope that you all can enjoy the Smokey Mountains in your lifetime too and that they look how they did back in 2017 when I saw them.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to recycle and compost.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to not waste food and eat locally grown food.
Dear Hailey and Lily,
We know about this. If we don’t fix this for you, it’s our fault.
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