Dear tomorrow,
The world as we know it today is not what I expected it to be 15 years ago. As a young optimistic child growing up, by the year 2020 I had high hopes and expectations of the world being more advanced as far as environment health and technology. Although technology has advanced and continues to, I do not see the progress I was hoping for in regards to the environment. In fact, it seems as if things have gotten worse. Pollution is still horrible, water has become a scarce resource in certain areas, and climate change is rapidly progressing for the worse. Today I am writing this letter to let you know the status of our environment. I hope this letter reaches you safely with a better environment. I hope there aren’t as many natural disasters occurring like they are here. I hope by now the world realizes the importance of prioritizing the Earth. With that note, I’ll leave you off with a few expectations of mine that will hopefully be true by the year 2050. For starters, I expect for my summers to be summers and my winters to be winters, not the other way around. Recently, the weather in California has been unpredictable. I hope that it can return to how it once was and how I remember it to be. Now, although I am a huge car fanatic, I wouldn’t mind being able to afford a Tesla seeing as they are full-electric vehicles. In fact, I am expecting a lot more affordable Tesla models to come out by the year 2050 as well or potentially more car manufacturers producing full-electric vehicles. Finally, my last expectation is that solar power energy is much more affordable, for obvious reasons. Ultimately, I hope that the world is better off environmentally by 2050. I hope that my expectations can finally turn into reality for once.
Love you always,