Dear Tomorrow,
Right now I am scared for the future. But that does not mean that it’s hopeless. I promise to give my best so future me and future generations can see the beauty our world has and have the opportunities we deserve.
Right now I am scared for the future. But that does not mean that it’s hopeless. I promise to give my best so future me and future generations can see the beauty our world has and have the opportunities we deserve.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will do everything I can to help fight against climate change.
My dear granddaughter Christy,
My own curiosity and knowing what a caring, aware young woman you are help me override despair.
Dear child,
The journey of humanity does not take us to Mars like the world now likes to believe. It takes us home to our true self where there is no separate self. Where we are all one. You know all this. Look after yourself my child, look after your brother, your friends, your children, all the animals and the whole planet. Love them like there is no tomorrow.
Dear Tomorrow,
We want to let others know about how to fight climate crisis.
Mamma e Papà cercano insieme sempre di darti il meglio però anche tu dovrai fare la tua parte nel mondo.
Dear Earth,
I will keep the air clean so everyone can see the sunset.
Dear Kids of the Future,
My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.
dear future children,
As I write this, our world is slowly giving way to climate change.
Rachel and Noelle,
I hope in a small way this helps your world.
Dear Me of Tomorrow,
I plan to plant more things this spring, as we do every year in our garden.
Dear Future Me,
I promise that I will change my behavior to benefit our trees.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will take short showers, eat less meat, and buy local more often.