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Dear offspring,

First and foremost I love you and I don’t even know you yet but I know you’re amazing. I really hope we fixed the climate mess that the generation before me wrecked. I’m sorry if it didn’t, but I promise you I have and will live a very sustainable life. I love you.

With love, Your Mother

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Nephew,

I believe i have truly played my part in raising awareness and practical solutions to climate change.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will do whatever I can to protect and preserve mother Earth for future generations.


Dear tomorrow,

Unfortunately, our selfishness and excessive greed have closed our eyes to the well-being of the planet, and it has suffered the consequences.


Dear Students,

I imagine at this point we have dropped our addiction to coal, gas, and oil and that our environment has made a turn for the better with the solar, wind, and other unimagined (at this point) alternative energy choices are in place.


Dear Lalo,

I hope whatever happens, whatever I can’t imagine that you may face, that you will continue to seek light.


Dear Tomorrow,

I’ll buy only food that I plan to eat before it spoils.


Dear Potential Future Kiddo,

To think that my choices of sustainable commuting, eating a plant based diet, and working on our City’s zero waste program likely pale in comparison to the impact of not having a baby is nothing short of devastating.  Does it make me a bad environmentalist to honor my maternal instincts?


My Dear Grandchildren,

In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to stop using a plastic straw.


Hey Kiddos!

My hope for you is that all our legislative efforts and care for the environment makes a difference so that we can wipe asthma out of our family.


Dear Finn and Cy,

I think a lot about what you might be like when you grow up and about what kind of world you will live in.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to drive less and walk more.

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