I know it’s long past time to wake up. You deserve a future in which drought, famine, and war are not all your children ever know; the choices my generation makes now will determine your future.

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Ryan Swank
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Dear Kids,

I was born into a dream, but for most of my life I never knew I was dreaming. The misty promise of unlimited growth, of burning fuel indefinitely without consequence, of progress marching towards a bigger and brighter future has surrounded me for so long that I always took it to be true. During the time you’ve been alive the mist has parted in places revealing some nightmarish scenes: wildfires raging most of the year, Arctic sea ice melting away, coral reefs bleaching away to nothing. All the while the dream landscape tries to reform and assure me that all is well, just go back to sleep. Besides, who wants to wake up from a pleasant dream into a vivid nightmare?

However, I know it’s long past time to wake up. You deserve a future in which drought, famine, and war are not all your children ever know; the choices my generation makes (or doesn’t make) now will determine your future. A large part of the problem is the term “climate change” itself. It is a central part of the dream, lacking urgency and lulling us into inaction. Words matter, and I will start calling this nightmare by its true names: “climate negligence,” “climate sentence,” “climate cowardice,” and too many more to list. The time is short to build the infrastructure that will prevent my hopes and dreams for you from crumbling into dust, and every moment counts.

I hope that by the time you read this, the nightmare you were brought into will fade into a real and bright future. This future won’t be as gilded as the future promised to my generation growing up. However, the senseless waste of resources and life will be replaced with more thoughtful and grounded daily routines, and the wilted communities plugged into a single global culture will take root once again and flourish in all of their diversity and beauty. In short, I will do everything in my power to complete the metamorphosis of “climate change,” from the present “climate negligence” to a hard-fought movement toward “climate courage.”


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More Messages to the Future


Dear Potential Future Kiddo,

To think that my choices of sustainable commuting, eating a plant based diet, and working on our City’s zero waste program likely pale in comparison to the impact of not having a baby is nothing short of devastating.  Does it make me a bad environmentalist to honor my maternal instincts?


Dear future self,

I am writing this to keep myself accountable and push myself towards taking action towards a sustainable future. I hope children of the future can still appreciate the wonders that nature and all its beings have to offer, appreciate the beauty in the world around us.


Dear World,

I vow that I will try to make a difference every day, so that you may enjoy the world as I have.


To the future,

Today, I will hope and envision the future I wish to achieve. Then tomorrow, I will have tough conversations, I will call my local representatives, I will continue to fight for this world.


To my Beloved Future Children,

Be fearless – do not be afraid to talk to each other and do not be afraid to fail.


Dear future niece or nephew,

We loved hiking, camping, biking, swimming and playing as kids together.


Dear Devon and Chloe

I hope that my work helping to make your schools more sustainable will be something you carry on as you grow older.


To my Children,

As you look through your window, I hope you will see a bright future. I hope you dream big, and that you have the courage, drive, and fortitude to do everything you can to achieve those dreams.



All you can do is your best. You can encourage the same in others. You can admit your mistakes and those of your ancestors. You can learn from them, and help however you can. I’ll do the same. I promise.


Dear Future,

I hope that things have cooled down. I hope that people and governments have come together to save our earth. I hope that everyone is able to breath clean air, drink clean water and see the beauty in nature that I do. I promise to do my best to take part in repairing the damage we’ve done so that my hopes may come true.


Dear Chay and Kate,

Don’t ever let anyone tell you your actions don’t matter. Every single thing you do matters. You matter.


Dear future generations,

Young people are making a lot of noise and politicians are now listening.

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