More importantly, what are we doing to better our planet and everyone who lives in it?

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Dear James,

By the time you read this in 2030, I’ll be 34 and you’ll be about the age I was when I wrote this letter. I know you don’t know much about our environment now, but as you get older I’m sure this will be something that’s on your mind more and more. Our planet is suffering. We use to many resources and cause too much pollution. You are a builder and a thinker. Maybe when you are older you will create new ways to save us, new ways to live.

Have we developed new ways to get from point A to point B without emitting toxic and damaging chemicals into the air we breath? Have we stopped sending hazardous waste to be buried in the soil that we depend upon for our food? Have we stopped raising the global climate along with sea levels? Have we stopped spraying our crops with chemicals that runoff and pollute our water? Have we stopped cutting down our rainforests? Have we stopped eating meat like it is our religion? Have we stopped using water like it’s infinite? By this time I hope we can say yes, yes we have stopped hurting our planet.

More importantly, what are we doing to better our planet and everyone who lives in it? Have we found a way to share the mass abundance of food we have with those who have none? Have we shared our technology so that everyone can have access to electricity, heat and clean water? Have we used our knowledge for good so that everyone can have access to education? Have we begun replanting the trees that we cut down? Have we found ways to be sustainable for the future?

By this time, I hope we have found good ways to live sustainably. People in my generation are strong, smart and kind. We are doing the best we can to save our planet for you and generations to follow. It is up to you to take the planet that has been given to you and to preserve it. I know you can do it.



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