Dear future self,
I’ve learned a lot this semester about the horrible impacts that we have had on the planet. Our carbon emissions are adding to global warming, ocean acidification, more intense natural disasters, and so much more. After taking Global Environment, I realized that there were a lot of things that I did not know about our impact on the environment. I believe that a class like global environment should be added to the core curriculum in colleges and even added in high school and middle school classes. I believe these are important things for people to start learning about at a younger age, and everyone should know about our impact on the environment. I’m still not completely sure what I want to do with my life yet, but if I am able to educate the youth about important things like this, that would be very important. My goal is to decrease the amount of water I use as well as the amount of electricity. Another goal of mine is to eat more plant based products and local food and produce. Though my diet does not really consist of meat other than seafood sometimes, I do eat a lot of processed foods. I could definitely eat more plant based foods and cut off all meat completely. Moreover, I want to vote people into office who have climate plans and goals that will help to combat climate change. I hope to achieve these goals by the year 2050.