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Dear Future Generation,

I hope that in the future people will take care of earth and try to stop global warming. That we treat each other with respect and kindness. That we will accept everyone and there are no more wars. I am ashamed of what we have become today and what we represent, but there is not all bad people out there. There is actually a lot of people who are trying to making our home a better place and I’m so happy they are. I am trying my best too and trying to help our environment. Also to spread more love to everyone and to be more helpful. I hope other people will do the same cause I’m honestly scared for what the future has in hold for us.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Samuel, Willa, and Ben,

To the core of my being, and only through the power of community, I will honor the voices of the youth who are pleading, “Don’t burn my future.” Samuel, Willa, and Ben, your little voices I know, will join that chorus soon enough.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will take short showers, eat less meat, and buy local more often.


To my daughter,

The climate is quite dynamic these days. Dhaka has dust and warm in this spring.


Querido amanhã,

Em fim, espero que você receba essa mensagem, e entenda o quão pequenos nos somos e como é importante preservar o planeta terra.


Dear girls,

I love you and I care deeply about your future.


Dear Tomorrow,

It wasn’t about Him, it was about Us. And this isn’t about Me, it’s about You. And it won’t be about You, it will be about Them.



Make the most of every day because remember yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.


Queridos filhos Heloísa e Henzo,

Tenho muito orgulho da minha função (agente de fiscalização ambiental do Acre) pois é através dela que posso dar um pouco do meu suor, para que no futuro ambos possam ter um lugar melhor para viver.


Dear Nuriel, Eliran, and Rotem,

Sometimes I think we will never make it, but I know we must keep trying.


To my children – Chase, Maya and Harlan

I hope that we manage to change the system really soon, while there is still time. So that you are not left with the mess, and trying to fix something that you didn’t cause. I hope we figured out a way to be kind, and caring for others who will suffer more than us. A way to let go of the greed and look at ways we can help others rather than take from them.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will opt up to deep green


To my grandchildren,

Ahora vivo en la ciudad de México y cuando debe de llover no llueve… cuando hace calor de verdad hace calor.

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