Dear Future Children,
In order to reduce the chance of global warming and make this world more sustainable, you can start with two easy steps. First eat more vegetables than meat and reduce trash. Going on a vegetarian diet can help this world more sustainable because then instead of using the grains farmers produce to feed animals, we can use them to feed humans directly. Therefore, less trash will be created to since there will be less options for food, which will lead to reducing excess carbon dioxide hanging in the air.
Many people think that climate change happens naturally but in fact it is actually has to do with all the human activities in this world. These activities include cutting forests to provide agricultural land and digging up old carbon that has been stored in soil that are made from the remains or dead animals and plants. These activities makes the carbons in the air harder to break. Since 1970, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere has increased by 40%, causing our planet to warm up. This means the the extra carbon in the air accelerates the greenhouse effects.
When more heat is trapped in the surface because of the excess carbon dioxide, there will be less ice sheets because they will melt. Eventually, this will make it harder for the sunlight to reflect the ocean, which warms up the water. Save our planet by first reducing trash, so that we can use greenhouse gases in a more sustainable way.