Dear future child,
Hey love,
By the time you read this, I hope and pray that the world has gotten better. Hopefully the air is better now for you. The climate has been getting worse right now in 2018, but I promise you that I will do my best in my part to slow down the changes and reduce my usage of things that will contribute to CO2 emissions and such. I hope to get others to follow in that footstep so that you and your generation can live a better and healthier life. At the speed we are going at now, it does not look too good, but my hope and dream is to change that and create a better living space here for you. There are so many disasters happening around the world and one thing that is happening around where mom lives is wildfires. These wildfires destroyed a lot of homes and took lives of people. Wildfires are natural and normal but because of the warming planet these fires are getting bigger and out of control. They make the air really bad to breathe in for everyone including your grandma, aunts and uncles and your mom. Other disasters happen all over the world. We want to prevent or at least try to help the planet get back to being healthy so you can be healthy too.