Dear Daughters, This year I will help get out the vote for green candidates. -Hilary Dear Future, I promise to raise awareness about the importance of climate change by talking to people and writing about it as a journalist. – Prachi

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Prachi Patel
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Dear Daughters/ Dear Future,

Dear Daughters, This year I will help get out the vote for green candidates. -Hilary

Dear Future, I promise to raise awareness about the importance of climate change by talking to people and writing about it as a journalist. – Prachi

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Jackson,

I feel deeply that it is my moral obligation as your Mom to protect your future and allow you to inherit a clean and healthy planet.


dear me in 2030,

I am smelling burning plastic!


I love you Earth.


Dear Future Self,

It was 2020, the year I realized that life is fragile—not just mine, but the entire planet—through immense consumption, pollution, greediness, ignorance, false bliss. This wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life, so I promise to actively make the change.


Dear Hannah, Harper and future baby of Ryan and Colleen Lane,

I will not stop fighting for a more sustainable future, your future.


Dear people of The Future,

Thank you for reading. Do your part to save the globe.


My dear Honeys,

I think every parent believes that their child’s future is worth protecting – because I know the power of this force in me and what I am willing to do.


Dear Nieces, Nephews, & Future Children…

If there is any advice I could give you, it is to believe that although you are one single person in this world, you still have the ability to make a difference in this world.


Dear Llewyn, beloved grandson …

I can only say that I devoted myself to doing as much as I could to make it better, to provide for a just transition, and to fight those forces that continued to exploit the Eaarth with extractive methods, methods that always also included oppressing some people–because those doing the oppression believed that they were better and deserved more.


Dearest Finlay,

I hope you are healthy and happy and that you feel supported by the ecosystem around you because we are all deeply truly interconnected. We depend on the earth to take care of us, and nature needs us to take care of her in turn. We all need each other.


To our sweet grandson Caleb,

We want a safe and beautiful world for you, little Caleb, and for your children and grandchildren. We promise to do our part.


For a child I am yet to know,

We are fighting for a shared cause, inspired by our strong and unwavering dedication to preserve the beauty and wonder of our natural world for our children, our grandchildren and their children, and for countless generations to come.

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