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Dear Children,

I’m sorry for the damage that the generations that have came before you have done to the world you live in. The world you have inherited is tainted due to the unsustainable practices of those who have come before you. Countless generations before yours, have punted the issues of climate change and now your generation must reap the consequences of this inaction.

I’m sorry that I have been a part of this inaction. For every plastic bottle I haven’t recycled, for every fossil fuel I have burned, for every drop of water I have wasted; I’m sorry. I promise that I will work to be more sustainable so that your generation doesn’t have to pick up my slack.

I’m optimistic that there are others out there that, like me, have a desire to be more sustainable. Increasingly, I see more people buying into the sustainability movement. More people are understanding that climate change is real and has horrible consequences. I hope that my generation will start a change, but it will not be enough.

Your generation will have to be heroes for our climate. What my generation starts, yours must finish. Your generation must be innovators of sustainable development, economics, fuel, agriculture, and every day decisions. While I wish my generation could solve the issues before they become yours, I am confident that you will lead the way. I am confident that your generation will be known as the one that defeated climate change.

So, I thank you. I thank you for not punting the issue of climate change to the next generation. I thank you for every sustainable decision you make. I thank you for being better than the generations that have come before you. Finally, I thank you for being the generation that will bring an end to the destruction of our world.

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