Dear child,
Earth has been our haven and home since the beginning of our existence. It provided us with food, shelter, and protection, allowing us to thrive into the greedy people we are today. We have been torturing this beauty, sucking the life out of everything it has offered us.
What was green is now concrete and steel; what was blue is now plastic and oil. We have continuously cut down trees to make way for homes and businesses. We have ripped down the fertile soil beneath to build tunnels, mines, and caves, resulting in sink holes and sometimes even death. We have created toxic fumes and pollution, blackening our lungs from the poison we are breathing in. So many factors have caused us to murder and drive so many species to extinction.
Despite all of this, Earth continues to show us it’s love. Birds are still singing, and trees are still dancing. Trees are forcing their way through concrete slabs in hopes to feed off the Sun, to color the Earth again. We do not deserve any of it, so now I will guide you and those around you. There are those who does not understand the risks we are putting into our ecosystem. They do not understand the legacy we are leaving behind for our future generations.
Today, I hope you are treating Earth how we were supposed to. Give Earth the love it gave us. Prove to Earth humans can create and heal, without harming the environment and ecosystems. Treat Earth how you would want to be treated. Humans are only here to stay temporarily, and if we don’t rid these dangerous habits, we will drive ourselves into extinction.