I’ll be here to tell you all the ways I have fought for the health of our home, and fought to protect all of the wide, open spaces for you to run in. When you’re old enough, we can fight together.

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Eliza Merritt
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Hey kiddo,

As far as away as you are, I sure am excited for you. As much as I am absolutely not ready for you yet, I’m looking forward to when I am. I’m definitely scared, too. Scared to let you go even before I have you. But excited to hug you after you leave home for the first time, excited to take you on walks to parks and to watch you make mistakes. You have a lot of expectations to live up to, you know. But I’m guessing that you’ll surpass them on your own, even without you trying.

But, there’s a load of shit you’re bound to inherit. Maybe my proneness to boredom or wanderlust, but surely the problem of what to do about the crisis we’ve created for ourselves. We haven’t done a good job taking care of this earth, as much as I or anyone else may love it. I think you’ll love it too, and I hope you care as much as I do about respecting it. I hope it isn’t too far gone by the time you get here.

I haven’t done enough about climate change. I need to be better about taking the actions I want to, and not making excuses from myself. You’ll understand when you’re here – I procrastinate a lot.

Anyway, I’ll be here to tell you all the ways I have fought for the health of our home, and fought to protect all of the wide, open spaces for you to run in. When you’re old enough, we can fight together.

All my love,

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More Messages to the Future


To my daughters,

In order for you two be happy and healthy, we all need to work hard to prevent climate change.


Dear Earth,

I will keep the air clean so everyone can see the sunset.


The gift for next generation,

To save the big world, perhaps, we should change the mind from myself to my small family to my community.


Al mio piccolo, grandissimo bambino,

Hai compiuto da poco 1 anno e giusto ieri hanno annunciato la scoperta di 7 pianeti che potrebbero racchiudere in essi la possibilità di sviluppare, o aver già sviluppato, vita a livello organico.


To my beloved granddaughters, Margaret and Caroline,

Growing up in Germany, I often wondered what my parents had done to oppose the Nazi regime in the 1930’s that led to WWII.  I was so disappointed when I found out how passive they had been. For me, this was formative.


Queridas crianças do mundo inteiro,

Pedimos que vocês procurem fazer como nós e continuem essa luta de colaborar com nosso planeta: evitando o consumo exagerado, usando a tecnologia para o bem, plantando árvores, economizando água e poluindo menos.


Dear Tara,

I am sitting in a classroom thinking about you. Which is rare for me. I hope that our family has taken some initiative to do something about changing society instead of building robots and large houses.


Dear Lila

So today, my strong and spunky girl, I promise you this: I will stay vigilant and flexible. I will spread the word.


Dear Tomorrow,

My promise is to continue to dedicate my life, my business, and my future to creating cultures that embrace environmental action not only for our own good, but the good of the countless other species hurting from climate change.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to take my bike everywhere. Taking Golden Gate Transit to SF tonight.


My Dear Grandchildren,

In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience


I pledge to use less plastic.

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