I promise I will do whatever I can to protect and preserve mother Earth for future generations.

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Melwyn Cardozo
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Dear Tomorrow,

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Dear Future Family,

As I’m sitting here trying to think of the best words to say to you all, I am thinking of one major thing: that I can only hope that you all get to experience the incredible beauty created by our planet.


We will look back on our time here and ask, “What did I do?”

If we truly live our present moment, maybe you’ll have a future.


I promise to plant more flowers.


Dear Darlings,

I commit to you to change one thing a year in our lifestyle to live more environmentally friendly.


Dear future me,

I’m doing this work because I see it as the best way to save and improve as many lives as possible. I’m doing it so you, 2050 Ryan, can look at yourself in the mirror. And so you can tell your kids and grandkids someday that you did everything you could.


Dear Kids of the Future,

My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will take short showers, eat less meat, and buy local more often.


Dear Tomorrow,

Don’t use plastic straws!


Al mio piccolo, grandissimo bambino,

Hai compiuto da poco 1 anno e giusto ieri hanno annunciato la scoperta di 7 pianeti che potrebbero racchiudere in essi la possibilità di sviluppare, o aver già sviluppato, vita a livello organico.


Dear Grown up Alton and Dot,

The most important thing in my life is you, which means that as your mom – I am doing my very best to make sure that when you read this letter, Earth is a cleaner and safer place for you and your children.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will work to restore the wetlands.


Meus filhos,

Espero que vcs tb encontrem ,de alguma forma,um caminho para colaborarem com Nossa Mãe Terra, bjs eternos.

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