I promise to recycle my waste.

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Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to recycle my waste.

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Dear Kids of the Future,

My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.


Oi Luc,

Estou esperando ansiosa sua chegada pra que a gente possa fazer muitas coisas boas juntos, uma delas, é cuidar bem do nosso planeta.


Querido amanhã,

Em fim, espero que você receba essa mensagem, e entenda o quão pequenos nos somos e como é importante preservar o planeta terra.


Dear next generation,

I hope that by the time you’re reading this, things have changed and people have started to protect the earth


To my daughters,

In order for you two be happy and healthy, we all need to work hard to prevent climate change.


Dear Maret,

Right now I want to be hopeful. Right now I want to think that we took action to ensure this beautiful future for you.


Dear Kai and Leah,

I want you to feel awestruck like I do. It is important to feel small sometimes, to feel the weight of reality, to recognize the scale of a challenge, to see where you fit and what you are up against. This is the case with climate change.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to include the trees and animals in all my decisions.


Dear Annalyse and Greyson,

See people can say they care about climate change, but caring is not action.


Pick up your trash wherever you go!


Dear Potential Future Kiddo,

To think that my choices of sustainable commuting, eating a plant based diet, and working on our City’s zero waste program likely pale in comparison to the impact of not having a baby is nothing short of devastating.  Does it make me a bad environmentalist to honor my maternal instincts?


I want to tell you a story. Yes, another one.

Mankind has always been able to deal with the greatest challenges it’s faced and this will not be the exception. My message to you is: find that passion and give it your all. ‘Till your legs give out.

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