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To whom this may concern,

I hope we were not too late. The way it is currently going seems to lead to a grim outcome, but my wish is that the world was able to come together and really turn the tables. I sincerely hope that the escalation in climate change can be reversed without major damage.

The area I live in is more aware and concerned about people’s role in climate change but that’s not true of other areas. But not all hope is lost. Amidst it all, I see that massive amount of people speaking up about the crisis we are facing. Some are trying to help turn the tide of public opinion and action. Some are using their influence to help spread awareness and influence change. All I can say is that I hope it is enough.

This is the biggest project facing the world. It threatens the livelihoods of every individual residing on this planet. We only have one and we are destroying it. I’m sure you can see the effects if nothing has been done. I look towards the future with apprehension and anticipation. If people don’t come together, there is no way that we can save the planet.

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