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To The Future,

At this point, I don’t believe there is any way to tell for sure what the world will be like in fifty years. If the globe manages to reverse course and begin undoing decades of damage, hopefully it will be enough. I’m doing my part, working hard to be more conscious of my carbon footprint, driving electric cars and charging with solar panels. Even if this doesn’t work, or we move to another planet, I won’t lose hope. I’m confident that if you guys stay educated, stay informed, that a mistake this grave will never happen in the future. Weirdly, I hope no one ends up reading this. Not because I’m embarrassed or ashamed, but because I hope our work begins to show results and this letter will never be relevant. If we work hard enough, and keep our sanity, I still have confidence that all life on this beautiful planet can be saved or revived. Dear future, I hope you never have to read this.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will eat vegan, organic, locally grown, and seasonal.


Dear Sinchi,

The world is changing and it is happening fast.


Dear Alex and Vivian,

This is my most important work.


Dear Future Sami Lee,

Everyone currently in life laughs and yells save the bees. We were a bee this year for Halloween and Lucy even came up with a great slogan “get with it honey”.


To all the children of the future and those who love them,

While there is still breath in this body I will give of my soul and my time and energy to making the world a better place, for you, and all the beautiful living beings of this world.


Dear Kids,

My mistake was thinking I needed to give you more to be a good Mom. Recently your aunt asked me what my favorite toy was growing up. I gulped, I didn’t have one- it was the outdoors, sliding down a ravine of leaves with my Dad, skiing and camping. Today is October 12th, 2021 and I am still going to be giving you a lot, it’s going to look a little different – love, experiences, education and a healthy planet.


Dear Gabriel,

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – The Lorax


Dear Evan,

What has most inspired me to act is wanting to be able to look you in the eye and say, “When I became aware of the existential threat of climate change, I did all I could.”  Despite my pessimism, I act in the hope it can make a difference for future generations and all the precious life on our fragile planet.


To My Dear Grandchildren,

Be assured that in the upcoming election, I will cast my vote for your future – for elected officials that recognize climate risks and are willing to promote and vote for legislation that will stop environmental damage and begin to heal our planet.


Dear Soren,

In this world that is changing before our eyes, I believe that is our task: standing unflinchingly on the side of love, connecting with others, and forging ahead together.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to reach out to more people to ditch driving and consider using public transportation. I promise to convince Marin markets that sensible policies in density and mixed use planning will further enhance everyone’s quality of life.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will stop using plastic and will plant trees. I will also not waste water and electricity.

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