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To my future children,

I have always envisioned a future for you that is open to possibilities for you to find happiness in your lives that involves good health not only for you but for the planet as well. As I write this message, I am cautiously optimist that this future is still possible despite the current state of climate change and my own country’s refusal to acknowledge that the road we are currently on is not sustainable for the health of our planet. Our overconsumption of everything from agriculture to fossil fuels is clouding our ability for human progression towards a cleaner and brighter future. I hope this realization has happened in time for you not to wonder about the reality of climate change and its negative impacts that often are not visible to developed countries. Instead, those bearing the repercussions of overconsumption are often below global poverty rates and have their homes and communities altered due to global efforts that support unsustainable lifestyles and ignore the alternatives that are becoming more available to them each day.

All my parents, your grandparents, wished for me when they immigrated to this country was for me to lead a better life than they did. And I’m surprised that I now find myself wanting the same thing for you. Their life was filled with struggles I can’t relate to and I hope you feel the same sympathy in the future that I did hearing about my parents’ childhoods. I like to think your future won’t know the struggles of trying to prove the authenticity of climate change and its consequences, and that green energy will be such an obvious and prevalent form of power that you could never guess that we used to rely on a source of fuel that provided us with power while simultaneously polluting the air we breathe. Which is why in order for this future to become a reality for you, I will make the most of my education and strive for implementing sustainable initiatives in urban environments that combat climate change and bring us a step closer to achieving the stabilization of the earth’s temperature, which is possible through global efforts.

Thank you.

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Dear James,

More importantly, what are we doing to better our planet and everyone who lives in it?


Dear My Future Child,

I want to sculpt a world for you where you can play outside without gas masks, an ocean to swim in without toxins, and a thick lively forest for you to wander.


Queridos amigos sobrevivientes.

Quiero pensar que ustedes serán la diferencia, que tomaran más actos sobre el asunto y no dejaran que nada los detenga.


Dearest Finlay,

I hope you are healthy and happy and that you feel supported by the ecosystem around you because we are all deeply truly interconnected. We depend on the earth to take care of us, and nature needs us to take care of her in turn. We all need each other.


dear future people (:

I am writing this message to you guys. When I look outside my window today, I see a beautiful world that others and myself call “home sweet home.” The trees glimmering in warm sunlight, the air stirring a cool breeze, and the water flowing down rivers are parts of our home Mother Earth.


To My Friends, Family and Future Grandchildren,

I realize my reflection of the past, current and future state of the environment paints a grim and pessimistic picture, but I feel optimistic in our ability to turn planet Earth’s fate around if we all work together and commit to making a change.


My darlings, Juno & Vaeda,

You ask insightful questions, and together we learn about the mysterious world we inhabit.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will take short showers, eat less meat, and buy local more often.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I’ll replace our lights with LED lights.


Dear Sander,

I pray that you are having a happy life and that you have contributed each year of your life into helping to make our planet healthy, cleaner, thriving and greener- a better place for all people and animals to live.


To my children – Chase, Maya and Harlan

I hope that we manage to change the system really soon, while there is still time. So that you are not left with the mess, and trying to fix something that you didn’t cause. I hope we figured out a way to be kind, and caring for others who will suffer more than us. A way to let go of the greed and look at ways we can help others rather than take from them.


To my children,

If there is one thing that I taught you it is to be honest in your decisions as they pertain to yourselves and the earth in which you live.

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