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Hola hij@/ niet@

Quiero contarte que acabo de ver una película que me cambio la vida, me ayudo a comprender tantas cosas y me dejo pensando, después de ello consulte la página que pusieron al final y heme aquí, gracias a la página Beforetheflood y a la película estoy aquí, y wow, que gran descubrimiento, te soy sincera, no se como se supone que podrás ver esto en algunos años, sin embargo espero con todas mis fuerzas que puedas leer cada mensaje que te escriba, cada foto que ponga y cada video, el día que escribo esto es el 9 de junio del 2021, estoy en la preparatoria, específicamente en la preparatoria oficial, tengo 16 años ¿tú cuantos años tienes?, ya entendí jaja, ya se como te llegara el mensaje, en fin, a continuación veré si puedo insertar foto, espero que si, para que veas como era la casa de mi abuelito, la cual espero que ya conozcas. 🙂

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More Messages to the Future


Dear future loved ones,

As I sit here and write to you, I’d like to share with you something more horrifying than a few boos – our current home, Earth.


Dear Future Afnan,

You should make a time machine and come back to past and solve all the problems.


Dear kids of America,

Please eliminate plastic everything


Dear Jamie and Jason,

My inspiration was the two of you. It started with thinking about the world you were inheriting and what your future was going to be like. But then you taught me how important it is to listen to you – to listen to young people.


Dear A and C,

You are growing up in a time of immense change. In the last two years alone, we’ve learned so much about big and important issues including climate change and the systemic racism that runs through our institutions.


Dear Future Kids Like Me,

What I hope for future kids like me is that they continue to ride the groundswell of climate change support all the way into action.


I promise to plant more flowers.


To anyone who has heard my music,

I promise to care about the planet.


Dear Jack,

Right now you are only a little over 5 weeks old, but you have truly changed my whole world. Your Mom and I always say that we thought we loved before you were born, but now that you have come into the world and we met you, our ability to love just expanded exponentially.


Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030

I am most sorry we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future.


Dear Future Today,

Here in California we’re starting to recognize our climate changing the natural world around us.


To my Beloved Future Children,

Be fearless – do not be afraid to talk to each other and do not be afraid to fail.

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