Dear 2030 version of Jesus,
Dear 2030 Me.
Wassup Chuy! How’s life been! I hope you remember 2019 me as a sophomore in Ventura High School. I hope you’re still alive :I. I hope you’re still healthy good-looking, and have accomplished our goal of being a Civil-Engineer. Or maybe you are playing guitar as a requintista in DEL Records, I don’t know. Haha probably not but I hope you are still practicing, and are really good by now. I hope Earth is still habitable by then and that life is as equally sustainable, and that conditions are rather improving rather than getting worse than it is in 2019. I hope you are doing great decisions and, welp, have me the correct girl by then. I am currently in fourth period, am a sophomore, in English class, and already have some tips for you, from things I hope you remember and hope that you never forget.
I want you, to regardless of your situations, keep moving forward! If you are facing a bad situation, entonces a chingarle. Don’t be a coward, and respect your family, have a healthy relationship with everybody, resist temptations of the flesh, and travel. I want you to be just like my primos currently are, living the good life, traveling, hosting parties, and are rich. Be like them. Do not do drugs, but I mean, drinking is fine I guess bro, no más cuando estés con los compas. I hope that if you have kids by 2030, or have not yet but are going to sometime soon, that you are the coolest dad, but do not make similar mistakes as your role as a father as you saw in 2019. Make sure our children have not lost Mexican traditions, and make sure they do know spanish fluently. That’s how I like it. Take care Jesus, y un ultimo consejo te voy a dar, si una no vale la pena, entonces a la próxima. XD Ya sabes. Hay te dejo Chuy, there’s only 5 minutes of class left. Te cuidas mucho, y cuidame a mis viejos.
-Jesus Ruvalcaba; Period 4