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Dave Porter
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Dear Tomorrow,

An energy created by those who are using, generating and sharing the most powerful force that can change the future is what the world needs more of: Love. It comes from the depths of your heart and soul and don’t stop using it for it reaches much farther than you can imagine!!!

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More Messages to the Future


I pledge to take the bus.


Dear Hailey and Lily,

We know about this. If we don’t fix this for you, it’s our fault.


Dear Children,

I wish I had a crystal ball and could peep into it to see you all happy and safe in a world that nourishes you and that is also nourished by you, a world where the resources it provides are as valued as the people in it and not frittered away by greed and power.


Dear Lincoln,

I wanted to let you know that in 2019 that there were real struggles with the health of our planet.


Dear Tanuj,

The time has come to question ourselves as citizens about our own actions and the legacy we are leaving behind.


Dear Sander,

I pray that you are having a happy life and that you have contributed each year of your life into helping to make our planet healthy, cleaner, thriving and greener- a better place for all people and animals to live.


Dear love,

The world is facing some serious crises right now as Viral pandemic and war situation between Ukraine and Russia.


Dear Ellie,

My heart is an ocean of love for all the children facing a life of climate catastrophe.


Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030

I am most sorry we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future.



Saiba que enquanto eu tiver vida, minha voz não calará para alertar o mal que estamos fazendo agora para as nossas gerações futuras…


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to sign up for 100% renewable energy.


Dear Kids of the Future,

My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.

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