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Dear son or daughter,

The world we are in today is real nice, even though we are fighting to stop climate change. The conditions will get worse, but since we cannot feel the effects immediately, it is hard to get people to help out. Even though our future seems grim to environmental majors like myself, I have full belief that your life will be full of the same joys as mine. I believe we will figure out this complex problem, because there are too many people who do care for our planet. If this is not the case though, I want to say I am sorry for the tremendous amount I have contributed to the problem. I promise from here on forward that I will do the best I can to take care of the planet.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

Be the person who shows up. Be the person who continues to advocate for change because change is possible – it is possible in the most partisan of politics.


To you, my dear!

In 2050, I will still be fighting against climate change. I feel that it’s not only my duty, but rather my destiny.


Minha pequena Nicole ainda não nos conhecemos, mas já te amo

Deixo para você o meu quintal onde o ar é perfumado pelas flores e árvores, a terra dá frutos e flores além de abrigar muitos bichinhos, a água é utilizada com consciência e o ser humano é respeitado e tratado como alguém que depende da natureza para VIVER.


Dear Tomorrow,

Don’t use plastic straws!


Dear future child whatever your name is,

Climate change right now is really bad, I’m writing this during the COP26 conference in Glasgow (which is an hour away) and I’m listening to politicians talking about promises for the future. “If we fail, future generations will never forgive us.” -Boris Johnson


For my most dear and only daughter,

And I know life more fully because of you whom I live on through. 


Aos meus sobrinhos queridos, Ana Laura, Luis Carlos e Helloísa,

Talvez eu não esteja viva para ver alguma mudança, mas espero que vocês vejam e tenham um mundo melhor em 2050. Plantei um ipê rosa e outro amarelo, que eles estejam florindo até 2050.


Oi Luc,

Estou esperando ansiosa sua chegada pra que a gente possa fazer muitas coisas boas juntos, uma delas, é cuidar bem do nosso planeta.


My dear Honeys,

I think every parent believes that their child’s future is worth protecting – because I know the power of this force in me and what I am willing to do.


Dear Oliver,

I am getting your father on board too so that we can double charge this together.


Dear Annie and Eric,

I hope that this life of good things is not just yours to enjoy, but that you also have decided to fight for others to have this life, too.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to not waste food and eat locally grown food.

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