Dear Makena,
Happy 34th birthday my son.
To laugh at our efforts as they were on such a small scale, too small some would say to make a difference, and then smile when we think about the number families just like ours that did the same thing.
Jeremy M,
My promise is to work to protest carbon emissions.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to try to set up crowd funding for grants to people with realistic proposals to fight climate change.
Dear Levon,
I hope, as your father, I’ve done enough to instill within you how science is a wonderful adventure.
Dear Tomorrow
Dear Birds,
will continue championing land preservation and the restoration of woodland, prairie and wetland habitats. I will not stop advocating for “bird friendly” legislation to make cities safer for your passage.
Dear Future,
“I knew you would want to know how the future turned out. You got so anxious about climate change as we grew older. By coming back, I thought I could help you with that.”
Minhas lindas,
As causas das mudanças no clima são tão profundas e envolvem tanta gente e tantos lugares.
Dear June and Colin,
I’m sad and angry that collectively more has not been done to this date. And that still with such dire warnings, obvious impacts, those in power are acting far too slowly.
Hi buddy,
I can now see that the solutions are there, that a transition of the magnitude that is needed, is possible.
Dear Bella,
I promise that I shall continue to do all that is within my capabilities to leave you a world where there is fairness and justice.
Dear Thomas,
When you look at me with those big beautiful eyes and that innocent smile, you make me want to fight harder. And I do.