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Dear future kid(s),

I want you to know that I am not just entering the environmental field because it is something that makes me happy, I’m doing it because the whole world enjoys a chance to enjoy life.

As much as it might scare me as a parent, I’ll let you and your friends go play in the woods. I’ll just be glad you have woods to play in.

As much as I might want to my favorite type of green beans in the garden, I’ll let you pick your favorite kind to plant instead, I’ll just be glad we have workable soil.

As much as I might want to go home after a long day at the beach, I’ll try to wait just a little longer, and remember that I should be thankful you have clean water to swim in.

There’s a lot of directions this world can go in, and I’m hoping to hep make it one that we can enjoy together for the rest of our lives. After all, if you have kids, I would definitely like to meet my grandchildren.


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Dear… Parents,

Let us teach our children to volunteer and donate.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ditch all the natural gas and go all electric with my home!


To my children,

If there is one thing that I taught you it is to be honest in your decisions as they pertain to yourselves and the earth in which you live.


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.


Dear Nieces, Nephews, & Future Children…

If there is any advice I could give you, it is to believe that although you are one single person in this world, you still have the ability to make a difference in this world.


Olá minhas Florzinhas!!!

Minhas florzinhas é isso…. vamos a batalha , procurar se informar sobre empresas que são amigas do meio ambiente, tentar banir as empresas que poluem nosso ar, nossos rios.


Dear Rowan and Anaka,

If we could talk, I would not be able to bear your gaze as you ask: How could you, the people in a position to change the course of climate change, fail to act?


Dear Chay and Kate,

Don’t ever let anyone tell you your actions don’t matter. Every single thing you do matters. You matter.


Dear Jackson,

I feel deeply that it is my moral obligation as your Mom to protect your future and allow you to inherit a clean and healthy planet.


Dear Nephew,

I believe i have truly played my part in raising awareness and practical solutions to climate change.


Dear Tomorrow and Dearest Lex, 

I do believe that the collective power of everyone’s best efforts can curb the worst effects of climate change, and provide you with a more stable and secure future.


Jeremy M,

My promise is to work to protest carbon emissions.

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