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Wiktoria Niezborala
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Dear future (i hope you exist),

One little thing that for anyone else may mean nothing, maybe an impulse to change for you. A few days ago my girlfrend make me watch “Before the flood” (really great movie btw). And then when i finally saw all the terrible things that we do to our planet, I was terryied. There are so many little things that cost nothing and can help to save the enviroment. I promised to myself to do at least few of these things. I wish that in the future you are going to see the effects of our positive actions and forgive us all the wrong things we did. There is still hope for us… I wish.


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Dear Llewyn, beloved grandson …

I can only say that I devoted myself to doing as much as I could to make it better, to provide for a just transition, and to fight those forces that continued to exploit the Eaarth with extractive methods, methods that always also included oppressing some people–because those doing the oppression believed that they were better and deserved more.


Dear my future loved ones,

I hope that humans can live harmoniously with the earth.


Oh My Lovely Faizan,

I love you my son. You are waking up now. Hopefully tomorrow, more of us will, too.


Dear Tomorrow

I promise to reduce my waste production


Paz e bem

Vivamos a vida com intensidade, Não nos importando a localidade.


Dear children,

Despite all the difficulties, we are from a family whose principles are honesty and love for others, and that’s what I want to share with you.


I want to tell you a story. Yes, another one.

Mankind has always been able to deal with the greatest challenges it’s faced and this will not be the exception. My message to you is: find that passion and give it your all. ‘Till your legs give out.


Dear future me,

I’m doing this work because I see it as the best way to save and improve as many lives as possible. I’m doing it so you, 2050 Ryan, can look at yourself in the mirror. And so you can tell your kids and grandkids someday that you did everything you could.


Dear Gabriel,

One day ten or twenty years from now, when you look back from the future, you will be able to clearly see the entire path.


Dear Logan,

I am working every second of my life, with every ounce of my being, to ensure that I am leaving you and your brother a planet that is safe and secure.


To the People in my Future Life,

Anytime I’m at the crossroads of life, I pray that I, or anyone else in the same position, will keep you in mind, and try to shape a world that’s the best possible for you.


Hola Cariño,

Life is not easier being a believer but I would not have picked another path. Thanks to my Faith I found my passion to work to stop climate change for your future. Now go play outside and breathe clean air. Dios te bendiga.

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