Dear future generations,
Maybe you will never see something like this ever again. This is snow and the climate change reduces the ice and snow permanently. It’s our challenge to save as much as we can for the next generations.
Maybe you will never see something like this ever again. This is snow and the climate change reduces the ice and snow permanently. It’s our challenge to save as much as we can for the next generations.
Dear Makena,
Sweetie, you deserve clean air, water and soil. You deserve to thrive in an environment that supports you.
Dear Tomorrow
I promise to reduce my waste production
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to ride more and drive less.
Dear Future,
I asked you, the future , to help us as well, to preserve our only planet that can give us life, that can let us watch anime, go to the beach, smell flowers, run through the meadow, listen to our songs, be in a concert, and let us live.
Dear Bella,
I promise that I shall continue to do all that is within my capabilities to leave you a world where there is fairness and justice.
Dear Samuel, Willa, and Ben,
To the core of my being, and only through the power of community, I will honor the voices of the youth who are pleading, “Don’t burn my future.” Samuel, Willa, and Ben, your little voices I know, will join that chorus soon enough.
For my most dear and only daughter,
And I know life more fully because of you whom I live on through.
Dear Great Grandchildren,
If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.
Dear Rosie,
But when you are reading this years from now, by the light of a solar powered lamp, know that your dad, mom and millions of others who burned brightly with love for our kids did what we could, when we knew the stakes.
To my precious children,
As you’ve grown older, I’ve become increasingly aware that protecting you means more than ensuring your short-term safety. It also means ensuring that you’ll have a safe planet to live on.
Espero de verdade saber contribuir para legá-la inteira para você, e que todos saibamos fazer isso em conjunto também.