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Dear Friend,

We are currently in a crisis and the world needs to wake up and address it today. As one person, I feel small but as small as I feel I know that if we all stand together and inspire each other today we can make changes. We can invest in sustainability in our everyday action. I promise to continue to fight for our future generations and the health of our planet.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear You Tomorrow,

What we failed to do, at least early on, was to see how important it was to put those solutions together. To combine into a way forward.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


Dear Society,

If we work together to spread the awareness of what is occurring today, we will be able to prevent it from continuing into the tomorrow.


Dear child,

The journey of humanity does not take us to Mars like the world now likes to believe. It takes us home to our true self where there is no separate self. Where we are all one. You know all this. Look after yourself my child, look after your brother, your friends, your children, all the animals and the whole planet. Love them like there is no tomorrow.


Dear future generations,

Young people are making a lot of noise and politicians are now listening.


Dear Tomorrow,

And, if this summer has taught me anything, I am content (because I have to be) living in this limbo, this seemingly endless waiting for the opportunity to change, when really the opportunity exists within our very selves all along.


To my brother’s children,

We wondered about how we might be able to eliminate plastics from our day to day routines, and recycled literally everything. We were amazing, you should have seen us. Now and again though, we wondered if these were the right questions.


Future Message to Earth,

Hope there will be no more droughts,
And no more pollution with which we fought,
Regarding every human should be taught,
Ensuring that we uniformly follow these thoughts.


Dear Ya’Ash,

There are many paths to Truth, but regardless of your faith or ideology, one truth is above all else: Life must continue.


Dear Hannah, Harper and future baby of Ryan and Colleen Lane,

I will not stop fighting for a more sustainable future, your future.


Dear Tomorrow

Stay Cool and Save the Whales

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