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Xiong Yoyo
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dear Cynthia,

Hey girl, I’m from 50 years ago. I’ve been wondering, what will the future world look like? Is it full of technology? Have the environmental problems been solved? In my world, we have lots of environmental issues, such as global warming, and natural disasters …. If all of these problems still haven’t been solved, I feel so sorry about that. I tried my best to change this, everyone is trying to participate in individual action, and scientists are trying hard too.


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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow

I will get my roommates to be more environmentally friendly.


Dear Future Self,

It was 2020, the year I realized that life is fragile—not just mine, but the entire planet—through immense consumption, pollution, greediness, ignorance, false bliss. This wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life, so I promise to actively make the change.


My future husband,

I want us to read this in future time and remember all the senses and views we witnessed.


Dear Ellis,

So, dear heart, I am doing everything I can as the situation worsens.


Dear Lillyana,

I will continue to work to make the Earth a cleaner and safer place for you to grow and explore.


Dear Tomorrow,

My promise is to continue to dedicate my life, my business, and my future to creating cultures that embrace environmental action not only for our own good, but the good of the countless other species hurting from climate change.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will only use renewable energy.


Dear Tristan,

I am doing this to protect you, the food, water, air and biodiversity of a country that I love.


Dear Future Self,

More than getting through a global pandemic that has already taken hundreds of thousands of lives around the world, our true feat is even larger: to secure our long-term health and the health of the ecosystems upon which we depend for life. To do that, we have to cut our emissions in half in the next ten years, and continue to reduce it beyond that. And to succeed in that, we need to fundamentally shift the way we do EVERYTHING.


Dear Tomorrow,

The transformation of human consciousness


Dear Gabriel,

When the worst consequences of climate change still feel far away today, or the barriers to acting on climate change seem steep today, I do not think about today. I think about you, and your world when you are my age.


Cari nipoti,

Siamo nel 2017 e vi assicuro che sto facendo tutto il possibile per rendere questo pianeta un posto migliore.

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