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Dear beautiful person,

There is debate today regarding the impacts of climate change. Though we don’t with ultimate nano-like precision how much impact any particular activity has on our environment, we do know that anthropogenic forces are a large cause in climate mistreatment. Regulations of today may seem strict to some, but for others a stepping stone. It is clear that these are still early days with regards to strictness of environmental regulations – we’re still in the Wild West.

I acknowledge the impact of climate change and the new reality that it will present to future generations. To do my part, I will focus on moderating my consumption in all areas in order to lead a more focused (and cleaner) life. I think that leading my life according to this broad goal will anchor my future actions in a more sustainable direction. I will not lead a life of excess. I will make a concerted effort to live efficiently. I will advocate for leaders who are prioritize our environment.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tripp,

I promise to do my part, supporting federal legislation to protect our earth while starting small with projects at home.


To my children,

I hope that the fervor that is building continues to build and spread and that the world has made progress to minimize the effects of our past actions.


Cari nipoti,

Siamo nel 2017 e vi assicuro che sto facendo tutto il possibile per rendere questo pianeta un posto migliore.


Dear Kids,

My mistake was thinking I needed to give you more to be a good Mom. Recently your aunt asked me what my favorite toy was growing up. I gulped, I didn’t have one- it was the outdoors, sliding down a ravine of leaves with my Dad, skiing and camping. Today is October 12th, 2021 and I am still going to be giving you a lot, it’s going to look a little different – love, experiences, education and a healthy planet.


I want to tell you a story. Yes, another one.

Mankind has always been able to deal with the greatest challenges it’s faced and this will not be the exception. My message to you is: find that passion and give it your all. ‘Till your legs give out.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to be creative – make art!


My darlings, Juno & Vaeda,

You ask insightful questions, and together we learn about the mysterious world we inhabit.


Queridos nietas/nietos,

Creo que debo hacer más. Por ello, he decidido escribir esta breve carta para empezar un proceso en el que vaya escribiendo más cartas, conforme vaya teniendo más claridad de mis posibles contribuciones.


My grandchildren,

I promise to do my very best to educate your parents as best I can.


Dear Future Afnan,

You should make a time machine and come back to past and solve all the problems.


Dear Alyssa,

I pray that more and more fathers will realize that to love their children well, they have to love and respect the ecological systems around them too.


Querido amanhã,

Sempre é bom ajudar a natureza.

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