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Niamh Cottrell
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To My Future Children,

I am currently learning about the ways humans have impacted their environment through history how these behaviors and ideas of nature have led us to do irreversible damage to our world. It is scary to think that the person we elected as our president does not acknowledge this problem and is changing policies that will threaten the future of Earth and its habitants. It has taken us a long time to start to create laws and policies aimed at reducing destruction and climate change and even longer to realize our significant impact on the environment. I worry sometimes that maybe it is impossible to have everyone on the same page and working towards improving the future for our children.

I am also learning about the different groups and technologies that are already tackling the many problems we face and this is where I feel confident in our ability to overcome our destructive nature. The people that are still hopeful and still passionate about our planet are the ones who inspire others of us and I think their attitude is part of the solution. Hope is more powerful than fear and when people feel hopeful there is a greater incentive to be involved.

I know that I want to be involved in environmental education so that everyone has the knowledge to be able to be a part of the changing attitude towards the way we interact with the natural world and to each other. I hope in the future we can all be working together across oceans and land to fix some of the issues we have created and living more sustainable lives so that we can continue to be a part of this beautiful planet. I also hope that there are still places people can go to feel connected to nature to find peace and inspiration. It is a gift that we get to experience life and it is important to feel good about leaving a greater Earth for our future generations.


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More Messages to the Future


To my precious grandchildren, Emma, Maya, Maddie and Will,

With love and a great hope for the future, a future that will be healthy and sustainable for you, my precious grandchildren.


To My Future Self,

This lead me to my final project, which focused on reforming the education system to incorporate sustainability classes into the current curriculum.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to clean the earth.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


Dear Future Me,

I hope that when we look back on these years,  you’ll see that humanity can be good. That we joined together and fixed it because of we don’t, who will?


Queridos filhos Heloísa e Henzo,

Tenho muito orgulho da minha função (agente de fiscalização ambiental do Acre) pois é através dela que posso dar um pouco do meu suor, para que no futuro ambos possam ter um lugar melhor para viver.


Dear Kiya,

Fighting for a system that rewards care for people and planet over profit.


Dear Levon,

I hope, as your father, I’ve done enough to instill within you how science is a wonderful adventure.


My darling Cassidy,

I know I need to write this to you, and I don’t want to because it makes me so sad. I have been desperately avoiding my feelings about climate change, for many years, but especially and with greater intensity every year since you were born.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ride more and drive less.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise: community awareness of the climate crisis.


Dear World,

I vow that I will try to make a difference every day, so that you may enjoy the world as I have.

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