I will use my voice to help bring awareness about climate change.

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Grinia Bradwell
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My dear daughters,

When I look at you today my heart fills with joy and wonder. I can remember the first day when I learned we were expecting each of you, the first time we heard your heartbeat, and looked at your first ultrasound pictures. I wondered what you would look like and what your personality would be. I hoped I could care for you, but I also started worrying about what the world would be like when you grow up.

The moment you were born I knew I would love you forever, at that moment you became my priority, your dreams were my dreams, your fears were my fears, your happiness was my happiness.

The world we live in today is going through some big transformations. Science and technology are helping us to accomplish amazing things, however our environment is suffering: water and air pollution, garbage in the oceans, and the rising of Earth’s temperature. We are fine now, we still have fresh water, plenty of food and clean air – well, at least one portion of the planet does. However, scientists have predicted that the rising of Earth’s temperature, even a slight increase, could cause a series of events that will affect your future.

My dear children, I love you so much and I don’t want to take any chances. Despite some uncertainty around climate change and it’s transformations and consequences on our planet, I wouldn’t forgive myself if the worse happens and I’ve done nothing to avoid it.
Small actions combined can change or lessen the course of events. Here is my promise to you. I will use my voice to help bring awareness about climate change. I will drive less and recycle more. I will be mindful when using the Earth’s resources and I will teach you these values as you grow up.


When you read this letter, you will be each 34 and 36 years old. I hope you have accomplished or are on the way to achieve everything you dreamed in life. I hope you can climb a mountain and breath fresh air while overlooking beautiful autumn colors. I hope you are happy and healthy and that you continue to care for yourself and the beautiful world we live in.

I love you,

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