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To whom it may concern,

If you are reading this it is 2050. Climate change is likely very bad now. I have a mission for you. You need to stop global warming. Get as many people as you can to stop using cars and to use more solar and hydro power. This is you mission now. I know you can do it.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Grandchild,

I now feel less overwhelmed and powerless, and I am determined to fight for our planet and your future.


Dear Levon,

I hope, as your father, I’ve done enough to instill within you how science is a wonderful adventure.


To my daughter and her children,

As a minister, I have preached that we are here to be of service to others and to be care takers of this wonderful planet that God has given us.


Dear Eleanor,

You are so small. So innocent. So beautiful. For you and for everyone else, I will try harder.


Dear Valentina & Luis,

You both know I have made it my mission to get people to understand more about the state of our planet‘s climate and what was at stake.


Dear Evan,

We want your future family to enjoy the same beautiful places we enjoyed.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to buy organic food and run more and bike more! (I could use the exercise.)


Dear Eleanor,

It seems silly to saddle yourself with guilt for something that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t want to do that. As of today, I don’t really feel guilty. I guess I just want to make sure I keep doing more, so that when you read this, and ask what I’ve done since then, I can still feel good about my efforts.


Dear my future child,

I promise you, I am going to do everything I can to save this planet for you. I won’t let you down, I swear.


To the wonder,

Dear tomorrow, thank you for letting me ride the wave of wonder that reaches toward you for all generations of all species to come.


Dear grandkids,

I believe this fusion of ecology and economy backed by the digital technology is our great achievement.


To my daughters,

In order for you two be happy and healthy, we all need to work hard to prevent climate change.

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