To me, 50 years from now,
Right now, you are in your second year of college. The homework is atrocious, although probably nothing like what the years to come will be. With regards to the ever-increasing risk/damage of climate change, you have given yourself comfort by saying “I can’t do anything about it.” In fairness, you are doing what you can: living in an apartment-styled building (it’s really a dorm, but am I wrong?), biking/walking everywhere, shorter showers, etc. Alas, there are still people who don’t believe in climate change. According to Yale, “Americans Who Accept Climate Change Outnumber Those Who Don’t 5 to 1”, but that leaves 1/6 of the American population (54.5 million) who refuse to believe. As odd as that is, they will come to believe, or they will perish as a result of their refusal to believe. The current President (Trump) doesn’t believe in CC, but every one of the (20) democrats who are currently running for the position do, with one formulating a $3 billion spending plan.
So here’s hoping this doesn’t end in a global catastrophe, and I’m well aware that typing this thing isn’t doing anything to help the crisis, nor do I think I’ll actually receive this message 50 years from now, and I’m really only doing this for the extra credit, but it feels nice.