I pledge to inspire as an actor in my movies.
More Messages to the Future
To my daughter and son,
Surrounded by scientists who shared my fears and visions, I often had a hard time to accept that outside our small community climate change received marginal attention.
To the Three most Beautiful Souls I could ever Know,
I promise to keep your Love at the forefront of my every move. I will make personal changes and I will learn more, so that I can contribute to a healthier environment in a meaningful way.
I will recycle stuff I found.
Dear Lucie,
Lucie, I love you more than you could ever know and I hope that my promises help contribute to a better world for you and inspire you to take action as well as you grow into the amazing adult I know you will be.
To our sweet grandson Caleb,
We want a safe and beautiful world for you, little Caleb, and for your children and grandchildren. We promise to do our part.
Isabelle minha querida neta!
Nossa vida só tem qualidade se tem natureza ao nosso redor.
Dear Llewyn, beloved grandson …
I can only say that I devoted myself to doing as much as I could to make it better, to provide for a just transition, and to fight those forces that continued to exploit the Eaarth with extractive methods, methods that always also included oppressing some people–because those doing the oppression believed that they were better and deserved more.
Olá minhas Florzinhas!!!
Minhas florzinhas é isso…. vamos a batalha , procurar se informar sobre empresas que são amigas do meio ambiente, tentar banir as empresas que poluem nosso ar, nossos rios.
Hey Kiddos!
My hope for you is that all our legislative efforts and care for the environment makes a difference so that we can wipe asthma out of our family.
Dear Tomorrow,
My promise is to continue to dedicate my life, my business, and my future to creating cultures that embrace environmental action not only for our own good, but the good of the countless other species hurting from climate change.
Dear sons,
I’ve been so busy since 2012 working towards getting a price on carbon.
I promise to take shorter showers.
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