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To the Future Generations of Planet Earth,

The planet and environment is in a process of decay started by humans, which is something many of us are aware of and whole heartedly believe. I have always known the dangers that face the planet but only recently discovered the complexity and systemic problems that push the problem further. I don’t know if anything has or will get better, but my hopes for the future is that everyone begins taking the opportunities in front of us to save the planet, our home.

One of my biggest hopes is that the human race continues to evolve and create, but that we begin doing so while being cognizant of any and all repercussions. I hope that people can realize for every action there is a reaction and that just because something is helpful or good in one aspect doesn’t mean it is the best solution. The world needs to be better in order to provide a future for our planet and the beings living amongst it.

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More Messages to the Future


To all the people here on earth,

Who knows what the future would look like? or what will happened in the future? No one knows right? That’s why it it’s scary because we don’t know what lies ahead. We couldn’t stop the future but we can always change it.


To My Future Children,

Most importantly, I hope you live in a world where science is taken seriously and fact is clearly distinguished from fiction.


Pick up your trash wherever you go!


Dear Gorasia descendants,

I will do all that I can, and hope my fellow inhabitants join my pursuit, to nurture this planet.


Dear Tomorrow,

I haven’t met you yet, but I already know you deserve a better tomorrow.


Dear Thomas,

When you look at me with those big beautiful eyes and that innocent smile, you make me want to fight harder. And I do.


Dear Grandchildren,

I hope we can pass on a better place to live so that my grandchildren and their future children can enjoy the beauty of nature that our wonderful God has given us.


My Dear Grandchildren,

In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience


I love you Earth.


Dear Rowan and Anaka,

If we could talk, I would not be able to bear your gaze as you ask: How could you, the people in a position to change the course of climate change, fail to act?


Greetings 2050 earthling,

Starting in 2015 I committed my life to sustainability.


My dear Honeys,

I think every parent believes that their child’s future is worth protecting – because I know the power of this force in me and what I am willing to do.

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