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To my two Cs:

I spend a lot of time worrying about your future and knowing it won’t be the same as mine has been in my lifetime.  You should be able to grow and develop in a clean and safe environment.  I take heart in knowing you are both smart enough to be change agents and will do your best to ensure you, your families, and friends have a safe environment and meet your basic needs in more creative, environmentally sound ways.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear next generation,

I hope that by the time you’re reading this, things have changed and people have started to protect the earth


Dear Josh, LeeAnn, & Jessica,

I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.


Dear Lucy,

The clock ticks, time passes, and the earth and all of its inhabitants move closer to dangerous boundaries we can dimly discern but cannot see clearly.



Saiba que enquanto eu tiver vida, minha voz não calará para alertar o mal que estamos fazendo agora para as nossas gerações futuras…


Dear Future,

We need to work to save our beautiful home.


Dear Birds,

will continue championing land preservation and the restoration of woodland, prairie and wetland habitats. I will not stop advocating for “bird friendly” legislation to make cities safer for your passage.


My dear granddaughter Christy,

My own curiosity and knowing what a caring, aware young woman you are help me override despair.


Meus filhos,

Espero que vcs tb encontrem ,de alguma forma,um caminho para colaborarem com Nossa Mãe Terra, bjs eternos.


Dear Evan,

What has most inspired me to act is wanting to be able to look you in the eye and say, “When I became aware of the existential threat of climate change, I did all I could.”  Despite my pessimism, I act in the hope it can make a difference for future generations and all the precious life on our fragile planet.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to use my reusable water bottle more often


To my grandchildren’s children,

I became an activist to be part of a force to save the natural world and go 100% clean energy.


Dear Kids,

I know it’s long past time to wake up. You deserve a future in which drought, famine, and war are not all your children ever know; the choices my generation makes now will determine your future.

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