To My Loved Ones,
I often wonder what the future will be. Will the wonders I have explored with you today still remain? Will the world look different? Will it feel different? Will I feel different? There is no doubt that climate change will have an effect on every aspect of our lives, but how different will it be and feel when we’re old?
I can’t help but to feel that we as citizens have not done enough, we aren’t doing enough. As I write this, I think of the trails we’ve hiked to Glaciers, the lakes we’ve vistied, and the oceans we’ve dipped our toes in. We haven’t done our part to protect them. We caused this damage, accelerated it, and how quickly we’ve done it! How slowly we have made our wrongs a right. Nature will push on, but we won’t be around to see it flourish once again.
I’m saddened to think that my future loved ones won’t see the beauty that once was. My hope is that we, as a society, can prevent the worst and begin to treat the environment with care again.