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To my future children and grandchildren,

Today it was 70 in New England on October 26th 2017 where by now people should be bundled up for the normal fall temperatures. That isn’t happening anymore sadly – As you can see the world has evolved and changed so much based off everyone’s involvement in some way. I want you to know climate change has been an overall concern back in my good days as well but I made the change to help focus and preserve our world for the sake of future generations. Staying green with energy and resources is something we need to do everyday to conserve our world. Change how you use resources, change how people act, change how people look at renewable safe energy and preserving resources, and change how you think just like I did.  Without this and carelessly burning harmful fuels to run things we are constantly destroying the planet you are born to love and without this will soon become inhabitable for anyone or any living organism. You can step up and make the change like me and be a hero for the next generations after you and make that difference and show everyone that climate change is real and scary and we need to act now. I know you can do it – because I did.


– Tylar

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to work with my family and neighbors to reduce carbon output.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to never use a plastic straw.


Dear Evan,

We want your future family to enjoy the same beautiful places we enjoyed.


Dear Tomorrow,

I have solar and will be getting an electric car next week


To my daughter and son,

Surrounded by scientists who shared my fears and visions, I often had a hard time to accept that outside our small community climate change received marginal attention.


Pour ma famille,

Il faut trouver le 7ème sens et se battre pour des causes justes, comme l´amour et la liberté.


Dear future me,

I’m doing this work because I see it as the best way to save and improve as many lives as possible. I’m doing it so you, 2050 Ryan, can look at yourself in the mirror. And so you can tell your kids and grandkids someday that you did everything you could.


Dear Devon and Chloe

I hope that my work helping to make your schools more sustainable will be something you carry on as you grow older.


Dear Future Family,

As I’m sitting here trying to think of the best words to say to you all, I am thinking of one major thing: that I can only hope that you all get to experience the incredible beauty created by our planet.


To my beloved granddaughters, Margaret and Caroline,

Growing up in Germany, I often wondered what my parents had done to oppose the Nazi regime in the 1930’s that led to WWII.  I was so disappointed when I found out how passive they had been. For me, this was formative.


To my wide-eyed warrioresses,

Since my two daughters emerged into this world, all of my tomorrows have become more dear.


I promise to help people! Become more aware!

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