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To My Future Children,

I am writing this to you in the year 2017, as part of a college course. Today it is windy and rainy, but tomorrow will be different. So too will be the future. I have no idea what the future holds for myself or for you, my future children, but I want you to have the courage to face every challenge and obstacle head-on. Things in life may be tough at times, but there is always a bigger picture in which it plays into. And you will find that no matter how tough it may be to face the day, things always work out in the end. Most importantly, remember to be yourself, and be kind to others. I’m not sure if the golden rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated,” will still be taught in elementary school in the future, but it is a good policy to live by. Do your best, be kind and compassionate to others no matter how hard it may be, and learn to appreciate the small things. Like the part of a snowstorm where the world seems to be at a standstill and everything stops when you look up into sky. Or watching football with your family after a big thanksgiving meal. Remember to always give someone the benefit of the doubt, for there is limitless kindness in the human heart. Over time, we have noticed the Earth going through changes, bad changes.  The oceans are getting warmer and rising, the ice caps are melting, and animals are losing habitats. We must do what we can to protect this planet and ourselves. Whether you unplug everything to use less energy at night, or ride a bicycle to work once a week to save gas. The small and large impact behaviors are all important and gain momentum over time and create more and more good. No one is asking you to save the world by yourself, just be more considerate of the planet you live on in your day-to-day lives.

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