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Maria Rita Garcez
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Queridos filhos,

Escrevo essa carta no dia 08/11/2015, possuo 14 anos e ainda não sou formada e nem tenho filhos, mas como assim? Esse ano no Brasil estamos enfrentandos algumas mudanças, como a seca em São Paulo, moro no Rio e mesmo assim aqui pode passar por isso! Eu me dei conta de que um bem tão precioso como a água pode acabar, a gente sempre aprende isso e mesmo assim não fazemos nada pra mudar, porque simplesmente não nós afeta! Nesses últimos tempos, passo menos tempo tomando banho. Nossa tecnologia avança cada vez mais e ninguém para pra pensar o que acontecerá sem água. Eu sou muito nova e mesmo assim sempre penso no que posso fazer. Hoje é um ótimo dia pra começar a fazer a diferença, dizem que nós temos que ter 3 coisas pra nossa vida ser completa: plantar uma árvore, ter um filho e escrever um livro. Espero que eu consiga ter os 3!

Beijos do passado! {Anexei uma foto minha, vai que vocês querem saber como eu era ;)}

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Dear Kai and Leah,

I want you to feel awestruck like I do. It is important to feel small sometimes, to feel the weight of reality, to recognize the scale of a challenge, to see where you fit and what you are up against. This is the case with climate change.


Dear tomorrow,

Unfortunately, our selfishness and excessive greed have closed our eyes to the well-being of the planet, and it has suffered the consequences.


Para minha querida filha, Vitória,

Consegue compreender que estamos aqui de passagem e que temos por obrigação apenas tomar emprestado, evitado excessos e principalmente agradecer.


To my wide-eyed warrioresses,

Since my two daughters emerged into this world, all of my tomorrows have become more dear.


Happy 34th birthday my son.

To laugh at our efforts as they were on such a small scale, too small some would say to make a difference, and then smile when we think about the number families just like ours that did the same thing.


Dear Zhengqing Gao,

Fortunately, you didn’t get injured while the wildfire burned your school.


To the wonderful children of our family – Elayna, Julianna, and James –

There is no issue more important to your future and your friends’ future than stemming climate change.


Dear Nuriel, Eliran, and Rotem,

Sometimes I think we will never make it, but I know we must keep trying.


Dear child,

The journey of humanity does not take us to Mars like the world now likes to believe. It takes us home to our true self where there is no separate self. Where we are all one. You know all this. Look after yourself my child, look after your brother, your friends, your children, all the animals and the whole planet. Love them like there is no tomorrow.


The gift for next generation,

To save the big world, perhaps, we should change the mind from myself to my small family to my community.


Dear me,

Remember how passionate you felt at 20, I hope you keep that passion in you and are still working on climate 30 years from now.


I pledge to take the bus.

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