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Querida yo,

El medio ambiente necesita ser protegido. Es una lastima que la gente no lo cuides. Es importante que usted recicles es mas posible. Yo recomiendo que usted uses la botella reutilizable y la bolsa reutilizable. Mejorar el medio ambiente yo segiero que usted ahorrar agua por cerrar el grifo y ahorrar energia por apagar la luz.

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More Messages to the Future


Chers Enfants,

Chers Enfants,


Dear Peyton and Lucas,

I want you to continue to enjoy bright, beautiful, blue skies, gigantic shady trees, chirping birds, scampering squirrels, sparkling creeks and all that this amazing world has to offer!


Dear Generations to Be,

If we could all slow down, look around and connect: with each other, the Earth, the sky, the plants and rocks and animals, then maybe we can all remember to treat everyone and everything with respect and live in love.


Dear Alyssa,

I pray that more and more fathers will realize that to love their children well, they have to love and respect the ecological systems around them too.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to go to the farmer’s market more


Dear Kaydence,

I will keep trying Kaydence, I promise. And I hope we can look back together in 2050 and smile, knowing that our Earth is healthy once again.


To my wide-eyed warrioresses,

Since my two daughters emerged into this world, all of my tomorrows have become more dear.


Queridas filhas Ana Luísa e Ana Carla,

Que vocês possam contar para seus filhos e netos que minha geração tomou consciência de sua responsabilidade e assumiu sua condição de natureza e a ela se reintegrou, com inteligência, interação respeitosa e solidariedade.


Dear Evan,

What has most inspired me to act is wanting to be able to look you in the eye and say, “When I became aware of the existential threat of climate change, I did all I could.”  Despite my pessimism, I act in the hope it can make a difference for future generations and all the precious life on our fragile planet.


Hallo Clara,

Was wohl der Klimawandel im Jahr 2050 macht? und wer gerade in der Politik ist? Bei uns macht der Klimawandel gerade Vollgas und an der Macht ist Angela Merkel, seit 16 Jahren
What will climate change do in 2050? and who is in politics right now? Climate change is at full throttle here and Angela Merkel has been in power for 16 years.


Dear Future,

I hope that things have cooled down. I hope that people and governments have come together to save our earth. I hope that everyone is able to breath clean air, drink clean water and see the beauty in nature that I do. I promise to do my best to take part in repairing the damage we’ve done so that my hopes may come true.


Dear Tomorrow and Dearest Lex, 

I do believe that the collective power of everyone’s best efforts can curb the worst effects of climate change, and provide you with a more stable and secure future.

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